Thursday, 7 November 2013

Dip Dye/Ombre hair - Ginger to Blonde


A few weeks ago I attempted to 'dip dye' my hair blonde. My hair is naturally red, auburn, strawberry blonde, ginger, and so the dye didn't take to my hair very well. So this was my second attempt! 

I used the same dye as my first attempt. I really liked this dye because it was a lightener one, and lightens your natural hair color. As this is the first time I have ever dyed my hair, I felt a lot more secure knowing this!  

This is what is in the kit. Conditioner, gloves, powder stuff, creamy stuff, bottle thing and leaflet! As you can see I put towels everywhere, you do not want to get this stuff on anything because it will bleach and ruin. 

I dont know how well you can see it here, but I got the hair dye on my skin. And there went my fake tan...
Also please be careful if you have sensitive skin! My sister did my hair the first time, and because she has sensitve skin it burnt like a bitch when she accidently got it on her. 

Alright, so as you can see here I have wrapped a towel around myself and I am waiting the required 30mins. However, I waited for 50mins and also hairdryed my hair. This is purely because my Mama told me to do it. 

AND there you have it! The finished result. I curled my hair so there was some movement, and I used the 'Remington Tribal Tong'. (Thanks Missy!)

Before and after shots. I know the mirror is dirrrrrty but shush. 

Before and after shots :) 

A few tips for ombre or dip dying hair

  • Its okay to apply the dye messy, you need to to create this effect. One really good way to do this is to tinfoil sections of your hair, just so you don't go to high. It gives you a guideline. 
  • Once the 30 mins is up, scrape some of the dye of the ends of your hair to see the color. 
  • Don't wash your hair for 24 hours after, this allows your hairs natural oils to set the color. 
  • It is a good idea to not wash your hair for 24 hours before as well, because otherwise the color might slip right off! I kid I kid, but you get what I mean. 
  • After care is extremely important!!! In the kit I used, there was a conditioning packet specifically for blonde hair color. It recommended leaving it on for 3 mins, but I left mine on for 10. Your hair is going to be super dry, so get some kind of hair mask to pamper yourself with! You can also get color protecting shampoo and conditioner etc, I will do a blog post at a later date about how to care for dyed hair. 

Thanks for reading x


  1. Looks fantastic! Can't wait until my hair is longer to be able to do it :)

  2. I love your look, Jessi. You are beautiful x
