Sunday, 1 September 2013

Personal update!


Apologies, as today is Monday, obviously. Or if you are elsewhere in this world, it may be Sunday. In which case I shall retract my apology. 

I went away for the weekend! And had no wifi or mobile coverage! Which, by the way, is the best feeling in the world. I vote there should be one day a week which is technology free! I honestly think it would make for happier relationships and more memorable times. 

We went up north, to Kanes aunties farm, so beautiful!  Weekend consisted of drinking, BBQs, bonfires, quad bikes, flats tyres, and lots of adventures! Getting away from the humdrum of the suburbs and getting into the country was so relaxing! It's times like that which make me realise what a beautiful country I live in. It was also so lovely to meet Kane's side of the family, and once again thank you so much for having us xx 

This week is my last week of the holidays, and also my first week of my job! So fingers crossed it all goes to plan! The past 6 weeks have been a wee bit shite money wise, so i am looking forward to everything falling into place. I know money is not the be all and end of all of this world, but I got me some bills to pay gurrrrl! Sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with the hand life dealt ya!

This week is also week 1 of the skinny attempt. Now don't get me wrong, I do not want to be a twig. Like someone who turns around and disappears. But I would LOVE to drop a size. Please understand that I am all for body confidence and size or shape, who cares as long as you're happy!! But the chocolate and lazy eating has got to me, and healthy eating here I come! I have decided that I will eat as healthy as a hippy, and walk everyday. Also I am doing the 30 day butt challenge because you know, in order to twerk you need the bootay. I shall let you know how it goes!

So that is the quick update of the week! 

Hope you all have a lovely week and make sure at least one exciting thing happens! 

Jessy xx

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